Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Psalm 127:3
We desire to lead children to be fully devoted followers of Christ, inviting them to know Christ in a way that transforms their daily lives and the lives of those around them. Because we see the value in teaching children at their own learning level we offer age appropriate classes. We hope you will allow your children to be a part of what God is doing at Calvary Chapel. We count it a privilege to be able to minister to them!
Classes are available for children ages Newborn - 5th grade during both services.
If you are putting your child(ren) in Children's Ministry for the first time, please register them HERE.
In order to safeguard our children and the volunteers, please read our Children's Sickness Policy before bringing your child to church. Thank you!
Classes are available for children ages Newborn - 5th grade during both services.
If you are putting your child(ren) in Children's Ministry for the first time, please register them HERE.
In order to safeguard our children and the volunteers, please read our Children's Sickness Policy before bringing your child to church. Thank you!


We consider it an immense privilege to teach your children directly from God's word and to watch them grow at an age appropriate level. Children's Ministry classes are offered at both Sunday morning services.
Wednesday night services are another great way to immerse your child in God's word. Class is much like Sunday mornings where children are taught at an age appropriate level.
If you would like to serve in Children's Ministry,
please complete the following required forms and return to Sasha.
Read Children's Ministry Handbook, print out last page, and sign.
Print and fill out either the Adult's (including the Background Check) or Youth Servant's Application.
Print and fill out either the Adult's (including the Background Check) or Youth Servant's Application.
Children's Ministry Handbook
Children's Ministry Handbook
All Children's Ministry workers are required to read the handbook so that our heart in reaching the children is evident.
Please read and sign the last page and give it to either Sasha or one of the other Children's Ministry leaders.
All Children's Ministry workers are required to read the handbook so that our heart in reaching the children is evident.
Please read and sign the last page and give it to either Sasha or one of the other Children's Ministry leaders.
Adult Servant's Application
Adult Servant's Application
Every adult desiring to work in our Children's Ministry must fill out a servant's application. This is not a test to disqualify you from working with the children, we simply want to get to know you. If you have questions regarding the application, please don't hesitate to talk with Sasha.
Every adult desiring to work in our Children's Ministry must fill out a servant's application. This is not a test to disqualify you from working with the children, we simply want to get to know you. If you have questions regarding the application, please don't hesitate to talk with Sasha.
Youth Servant's Application
Youth Servant's Application
If you are 13 years old or older and would like to serve in Children's Ministry, please print and fill out the application and give to Sasha when it's completed. If you have any questions about the application, please reach out to Sasha.
If you are 13 years old or older and would like to serve in Children's Ministry, please print and fill out the application and give to Sasha when it's completed. If you have any questions about the application, please reach out to Sasha.


Sasha Murray
Children's Ministry Director
Sasha, born and raised in SW Pennsylvania, entered the pharmaceutical industry as a chemist in Morgantown in 2012 and began attending CCM in 2014. Sasha has a heart for children and is grateful for the opportunity to serve and share God’s unconditional love with them. Sasha enjoys being outside in God’s beautiful creation and spending time with her two pit bull rescues, and always has room for just one more.
Eryn Harris
Children's Ministry Assistant Director
Eryn, originally from New England, began attending CCM in 2021 with her husband, Clint, following the Lord’s call to West Virginia. After working as a youth circus coach for nearly 7 years, Eryn has an immense love for children and is blessed to share the love, joy, and truth of Christ through service. Eryn works as a Project Coordinator, but in her free time enjoys reading, going on walks, and baking.
Leah Woods
Children's Ministry Assistant
Leah, born in California, moved at the age of 10 to SW Pennsylvania where her dad started a Calvary Chapel. Leah served at Calvary Chapel Christian school in PA for over 20 years. She has a love for kids and desires for them to know and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Leah and her husband Phillip have 3 sons, 2 daughters-in-law, 5 grandchildren and 1 one on the way. Her hobbies are reading, crocheting and spending time with her family.