We make it our practice to study verse by verse, chapter by chapter through the Bible,
building "precept upon precept, line upon line". (Isaiah 28:10).
building "precept upon precept, line upon line". (Isaiah 28:10).
SUNDAYS: Pastor Shawn is currently teaching through the Gospel of John in the main sanctuary.
WEDNESDAYS 6:30PM: Pastor Shawn is teaching through Ezekiel in the Living Room.
- 9:00am Service:
- This service is also live-streamed.
- Children's Ministry classes are available for Nursery-5th grade.
- 11:00am Service:
- This service is also live-streamed.
- Children's Ministry classes are available for Nursery-5th grade.
- Middle Schoolers will sit in the sanctuary for worship and then head downstairs for class.
- High Schoolers stay in the sanctuary with the adults for the entire service.
- Potluck Lunch to follow in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring a dish to share. Hot dogs and burgers are provided.
WEDNESDAYS 6:30PM: Pastor Shawn is teaching through Ezekiel in the Living Room.
- Also available is a Marriage Class.
- Children's Ministry Classes: Nursery-5th grade (Please use Children's Ministry Entrance.)
- Middle School Youth Group (downstairs in the weight room)
- High School Youth Group (downstairs in hallway classroom)
- Communion will be served on the last Wednesday of the month. (No Youth Groups or Bible Study on Communion night; however we provide children's ministry for newborn-5 years old.)